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Tabi pioneers gaming blockchain on Cosmos with Tabi Chain

Tabi recently announced its latest project, Tabi Chain, on X/Twitter. Tabi Chain is set to pioneer the gaming blockchain on Cosmos with EVM support.

According to the string of tweets, Tabi Chain will set new standards for the mass adoption of blockchain gaming. Tabi believes that blockchain gaming must overcome the following challenges for its successful mass adoption:

  • Trinity of Problems: Address the lingering trilemma of scalability, security, and decentralization.
  • Simplification: Facilitate freestyle Web development to empower developers. Get started with standard frameworks and programming languages. Help users get acquainted with a seamless workflow without gas fees or additional wallets.

Here is how Tabi Chain is addressing the concerns with Omnicomputing:

  • Parallelism Sharding: Every game operates independently on high-performance nodes to ensure unlimited TPS and instant finality.
  • Tabi Runtime: The chain decouples the trusted world state and the blockchain VM to help developers build freely.
  • Supervised Sharding: Every shard is governed by Tabi’s supervisor nodes to enforce state correctness and anti-censorship.

Besides this, Tabi Chain has designed its economic model to engage players and empower game developers. This will foster a cycle of innovation and growth.

Moreover, the platform will boast advanced cross-chain features to bridge the Ethereum and Cosmos ecosystems. Tabi Chain uses the Asset Layer as its liquidity hub for inter-shard and inter-chain transactions. Its settlement nodes use native consensus for cross-chain and cross-shard settlements.

Above all, the chain uses a Sustainable Twin-Flywheels Economy Model. It uses the internal DeFi loop for its base. At the same time, the positive externalities are used to boost the gaming drive’s systemic growth.

Tabi Chain has also revealed its testnet for developers to try their hands and improve the platform. The platform will continue to improve its operations and elevate the Cosmos gaming experience.

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